In a time when ever-present media can be soul-consuming, many of us feel more disconnected and over-stressed. Nature is calling and if we answer, the simple effects can be transformative.


It wasn’t long after I posted this video to Facebook that my husband felt compelled to take the family to the great outdoors. Self-preservation for him and a nice treat for me and our kids. We have always enjoyed summers at the river and occasional trips to the ocean. We spent plenty of time outside in our neighborhood; biking, running, playing in the yard, and preferably swimming at the pool.

However, the long winter months take a toll on my mood – all of our moods – and these trips are immensely helpful in breaking the rut of bad winter habits. Our family of four truly enjoys time together but somehow it takes getting out of the house and routine to spend time talking and making new memories. Together we started seeking outdoor adventures that would help us get our dose of fresh air and nature. Thankfully we live in Virginia where opportunities for outdoor enjoyment abound.

Join us as we explore parks and outdoor treasures throughout the commonwealth. I’ll share recommendations on accessibility for families of various ages because that is information I needed as our two were growing up.

Since our first intentional dose of nature, we have regularly sought out more Virginia hikes and outdoor excursions, and have never regretted the effort. The intention of this blog is to share ideas for others to explore, to provide information and photos of the actual terrain and payoffs to assist others in evaluating what little dose of Virginia nature may hit the spot.

And food: There’s always a meal involved, and sometimes doughnuts or ice cream too, so I’ll share those experiences too.

Let’s get out to see God’s creation, breathe the fresh air, and connect with our families and friends.

Goodman Outdoor Adventure List (GOAL)

  1. Great Falls, Virginia (January 1, 2023)
  2. Humpback Rocks (February 2023)
  3. Hawksbill Mountain (April 2023)
  4. Old Rag (April 2023)
  5. North River Gorge Trail (July 2023)
  6. Whiteoak Canyon Trail (August 2023)

First Day Hikes

First Landing State Park

Westmoreland State Park, Fossil Beach

Powhatan State Park

Ashland Trolley Line